Wednesday, 5 December 2012
SUPER easy colored chocolate chip cookies with box cake mix
Box cake mix Christmas chocolate chip cookies
1 box white cake mix
1 (12 oz.) bag chocolate chips
1/4 c. oil
1/4 c. melted butter
1 egg
1/4 c. milk
1 tsp. vanilla
red and green food colouring
Mix all ingredients, except chips, with a wooden spoon. Divide into 2 bowl and add a few drops of food colour in each until desired colour. Mix in chips a few at a time. Drop by teaspoons onto un greased cookie sheet. we used the left over after making 24 cookies, to make a large cookie candy cane. Bake in preheated oven at 325 degrees for about 10 minutes or until just slightly brown on added bonus trick?? when you don't have a cooling rack, use a roasting rack on top of muffin tins ;)
Thursday, 25 October 2012
How much do YOU know about Childhood cancers and the research behind it??? Educate yourself!.
How much do YOU know about Childhood cancers and the research behind it??? Educate yourself!.
Hi there, just finally able to sit down at a computer...I know I wanted to share the info about childhood cancer, and that people need to be more aware. here are some of the stats, and info that many people do NOT know. We need to be the voice for the children!. They are our future, and they need to grow up before they can even think of breast cancer!!
Breast cancer receives the most research funding dollars.
Yet childhood cancer (that's ALL CHILDHOOD CANCERS rolled into one - not one specific childhood cancer) gets less than 3% of funding raised by the cancer society.
There are 12 MAJOR types of childhood cancers.
Leukemias (blood cell cancers) and cancers of the brain and central nervous system account for more than half of the new cases. The most common type of leukemia in children is acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The most common solid tumours are brain tumours (e.g., gliomas and medulloblastomas), with other solid tumours (e.g., neuroblastomas, Wilms tumours, and sarcomas such as rhabdomyosarcoma and osteosarcoma) being less common.
Childhood cancers are MORE AGGRESSIVE than adult cancers and in most cases, treatment with chemo is a higher dosage per kilo gram than adult cancer.
Every 16 hours a child dies from neuroblastoma.
7 children die each DAY from childhood cancer.
Every day, 46 KIDS are diagnosed with cancer.
7 children die each DAY from childhood cancer.
Every day, 46 KIDS are diagnosed with cancer.
Pediatric cancer kills more kids than cystic fibrosis, pediatric AIDS & asthma COMBINED.
1 in 330 children will develop cancer by age 20.
Treatment side effects can last a lifetime for these kids.
Children treated for one cancer, often develop another cancer later in life as a side effect from the original treatment.
Children do not receive routine cancer screening like adults do. As a result, children are often misdiagnosed or go without treatment for months or years before their cancer is finally discovered. By this time, it has usually metastasised and spread to other organs.
Childhood cancer is cancer in it's purest form. If we cure it, we can potentially eliminate adult cancer.
Childhood cancer research has a HUGE impact on adult cancers.
Adult cancer research no longer has any impact on childhood cancers.
It was a researcher working on the childhood cancer neuroblastoma, who first discovered the stem cell for neuroblastoma. Using this researchers methods, doctors are now searching for the breast cancer stem cell. Stem Cells relating to cancer were previously considered to be non-existent.
Even if you just compare adult cancers, lung cancer & colorectal cancer kill more adults than breast cancer.
The Canadian Cancer Society gives only 3% of it's donations/funding to childhood cancer research.
Although Terry Fox died of a pediatric cancer, and stated that he was running for the people who were in the hospital with him (other children), the foundation does not usually donate to childhood cancer, choosing adult cancer instead.
Unless funds donated to the Canadian Cancer society are labelled for a specific cause, the society can use the funds however it wants. Whether that be supporting victims, more fund raising, advocating against cancer through brochures or administrative costs. Relay for life proceeds go to no specific cancer or even necessarily to cancer research at all.
Run for the Cure proceeds go to breast cancer.
Run for the Cure proceeds go to breast cancer.
The Canadian Cancer Society is only held accountable for dollars donated to them that require a tax receipt. All those pins bought by donation etc, go straight to administration costs, which is why the CEO of the Canadian Cancer Society makes in the 6 digits as a yearly salary. The same goes for the Terry Fox Foundation and the Breast Cancer Society.
The James Fund for Neuroblastoma Research owns and operates the James Birrell labs for childhood cancer research in Toronto Sick kids. It is run by Dr. David Kaplan - chief of childhood cancer research. Every dollar donated to them, goes directly to childhood cancer research. Dr. Kaplan is the doctor who discovered the stem cell for neuroblastoma (Central Nervous System cancer).
If you choose to help childhood cancer research, PLEASE ensure your efforts are ACTUALLY going to childhood cancer research, not into the pockets of administrative executives or into printing glossy brochures about not using tanning beds.
I got this info from my best friend, who is advocating for her baby girl who was diagnosed with neuroblastoma at age 8 months old. She is 14 months old now and is in remission.
We need more research and awareness done for the children.....why some may ask...*My child doesn't have cancer....* Her child never HAD cancer either......You never know when it could be your niece, nephew, daughter, son, grandchild.....ect....
Thanks again..
Kim Gonzalvo
Angry Birds party preparation cont'd......
So, I have been one crazy busy momma, OK, so just the crazy part is really true ;)
I made some homemade reusable loot bags that the boys can reuse after. Added angry bird colouring books, tattoos, stickers, small *nest* of candy *eggs*, one golden egg with silly putty inside, a angry bird Frisbee *dollar store Frisbees with my own stickers, Way cheaper that the Frisbees the party store had! They were like $5!!! And I even had left over stickers :) I used the rest to put in the loot bags and used some on paper cups to make another game, not shown on here yet :)
, and they will each take home a handmade angry bird bean bag too.
The complete loot bags...
Some of the loot in the bags...
the card stock labels I attached to the squawkers....
The start of the reusable bags I made...I used 2 brand new pillowcases, and quartered them, to give you an idea of size, they fit a letter sized colouring book in them. Then I added the iron on angry birds I printed myself :)
Some angry bird items He got on his actual birthday on Wednesday from his sister , from the dollar store.
marshmallow fondant angry birds made by Thelma and Louise...*aka Me and Elspeth :)
Some trial run cupcakes :)
The bean bags I made for the angry bird game we are gonna play.
On Sunday, my Louise *aka Elspeth, made homemade fondant and did a trial run of the angry birds I will use for the cupcakes/cake *still undecided on that one. here are some pics of my finished items so far.....There is more, I just haven't completed everything yet...what was supposed to be a simple party has turned into an
I made some homemade reusable loot bags that the boys can reuse after. Added angry bird colouring books, tattoos, stickers, small *nest* of candy *eggs*, one golden egg with silly putty inside, a angry bird Frisbee *dollar store Frisbees with my own stickers, Way cheaper that the Frisbees the party store had! They were like $5!!! And I even had left over stickers :) I used the rest to put in the loot bags and used some on paper cups to make another game, not shown on here yet :)
, and they will each take home a handmade angry bird bean bag too.
The complete loot bags...
Some of the loot in the bags...
the card stock labels I attached to the squawkers....
The start of the reusable bags I made...I used 2 brand new pillowcases, and quartered them, to give you an idea of size, they fit a letter sized colouring book in them. Then I added the iron on angry birds I printed myself :)
Some angry bird items He got on his actual birthday on Wednesday from his sister , from the dollar store.
marshmallow fondant angry birds made by Thelma and Louise...*aka Me and Elspeth :)
Some trial run cupcakes :)
The bean bags I made for the angry bird game we are gonna play.
On Sunday, my Louise *aka Elspeth, made homemade fondant and did a trial run of the angry birds I will use for the cupcakes/cake *still undecided on that one. here are some pics of my finished items so far.....There is more, I just haven't completed everything yet...what was supposed to be a simple party has turned into an
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Angry Birds birthday party for my soon to be 6 yr old.
So, I am just going to tell you about a few things I am preparing for my son's 6th birthday party. I didn't want to go huge this year, so I am trying to make as much of the decor as possible.
first I made invites...this consisted of printing them off. I found a free printable on line, this is the link I used.
Then I found another amazing lady who had a whole printable kit on line, so I used that too, to make cupcake toppers, bag tags, a banner, and MORE! check it out, and totally FREE. I LOVE FREE!!
Then I found a simple ,cheap, way to make a homemade party game, consisting of making the birds and using plastic's the link for that as well, if you scroll 3/4 down the blog here, you will see a homemade game using pompoms...
I amazed myself when I found a plastic slingshot at the dollar store...whoo hoo!!
These are pompom angry birds :)
so here are a few pics of my homemade birds, and I free handed some foam ones for examples that the kids can make to take home as well.
And now a pic of the whole printed lot I made up..... I found the free printable coloring pages here on this site...
So this is what I have accomplished so far, the party is a week and a half away, so not to bad for now. Oh, I almost forgot, I made him this photo banner too....
I will update this at a later date with pics from the actual party :) stay tuned ;)
first I made invites...this consisted of printing them off. I found a free printable on line, this is the link I used.
Then I found another amazing lady who had a whole printable kit on line, so I used that too, to make cupcake toppers, bag tags, a banner, and MORE! check it out, and totally FREE. I LOVE FREE!!
Then I found a simple ,cheap, way to make a homemade party game, consisting of making the birds and using plastic's the link for that as well, if you scroll 3/4 down the blog here, you will see a homemade game using pompoms...
I amazed myself when I found a plastic slingshot at the dollar store...whoo hoo!!
These are pompom angry birds :)
so here are a few pics of my homemade birds, and I free handed some foam ones for examples that the kids can make to take home as well.
And now a pic of the whole printed lot I made up..... I found the free printable coloring pages here on this site...
So this is what I have accomplished so far, the party is a week and a half away, so not to bad for now. Oh, I almost forgot, I made him this photo banner too....
I will update this at a later date with pics from the actual party :) stay tuned ;)
Thursday, 11 October 2012
my sister...........
I have been thinking a lot about my sister lately. She seems to be on my mind. When I think of my sister, I think of a strong woman, independent, faithful, a pillar, a mentor, a friend, a woman of God and so much more.
It wasn't always like that in my eyes. I used to be jealous of my sister, I wanted what she had, I didn't know what *it* was , but I wanted it. She had it all, a loving husband, 3 beautiful children, her own home, a job...ALL the things that I Didn't have at the time. but most of all, she had God...I didn't. She seemed happy, at peace, in control....I wasn't, in fact, at the time, I was opposite of ALL those things. I envied her life.
So when the day came, that God found me, things changed. It was just before I got married, God found my husband too :) Our lives spiralled for a number of years before we surrendered, my husband and I , but when we did, things began to happen. We are now happily married, with 2 beautiful children, I work from home doing what i love to do, creating and taking care of my children and my husband. And my relationship with my sister? Well that changed too...for the better. First off, she spoke God's word at our wedding, for us, it was beautiful. My sister and I began a journey on sisterhood from then on....that was almost 8 years ago. She is my older sister, and today, we share a special bond, no one can break. I look up to my sister, I can ask for advice and she will give it honestly, yet lovingly. She is not just my sister, she is my friend. Today, my sister asks me for advice sometimes! NEVER in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine that ! I love my sister, more with each passing day. She is a part of me, not just by blood, but God has bound us, woven our life fabrics of love, so intricately. I thank God for my sister, who made me who I am today, by modelling who she is everyday :) I love you Deb!
It wasn't always like that in my eyes. I used to be jealous of my sister, I wanted what she had, I didn't know what *it* was , but I wanted it. She had it all, a loving husband, 3 beautiful children, her own home, a job...ALL the things that I Didn't have at the time. but most of all, she had God...I didn't. She seemed happy, at peace, in control....I wasn't, in fact, at the time, I was opposite of ALL those things. I envied her life.

video: My Sister by Reba McEntire
Thanksgiving weekend......with my *Louise* and family
Well, we got through the man cold, and I had my amazing best friend/soul sister come down from up north, 4 hour drive to spend thanksgiving with us. Got to spend our Thelma and Louise time alone together, while the man cold daddy's took care of the kids. WOW eh? I know! So we went to see the movie pitch perfect, it was really funny, and being with Elspeth * my Louise* while she is 6ish months pregnant, is hilarious . She randomly burst out laughing at a very disturbing comment made in the movie...I LOVE HER < she makes me laugh always. I could never ask for a better friend or confident. I never had a younger sister, but if I did , I would want it to be her. Although, I don't find myself feeling older than her when we are together. She always makes me feel like her equal. She is so funny, understanding, laughs at my insanity and can relate most times. THAT is what makes her the best.
So, on to thanksgiving Sunday. Our collective families awoke basically at the same time *btw, when she comes to town, they ALWAYS stay with us* They have a family of 5 with one on the way and we have a family of 4. So it makes for a usually very fun filled happy home when they are here. Our children are very close in ages, our oldest being only 13 days apart. We went through our pregnancies together :) So they decided to go to an early church service at the church they used to attend last when they lived here, and we went to our normal service, which starts a lot later in the morning. So feeling kind of poopy from having a cold myself, I dragged myself to church. I rushed home, knowing I had to start the turkey and veggies. Walked into the house, my BFF was already back from her service , and low and turkey was in the oven, potatoes were cooking, and carrots were done. I felt an overwhelming urge to kiss, not really, but she is amazing!!! I was in disbelief, and couldn't stop thanking her! She was the guest, yet she prepared most of the dinner!!! THAT is a true best friend ;) There is so much more I want to share about my *Louise* . She is a hero in my eyes. having dealt with her 8 month old only daughter, being diagnosed with Neuroblastoma back in March, and going through a very rough storm over the next few months, and finding out she is pregnant again!!! WOW.....she certainly is one courageous, faith strong woman! I am going to link her daughter's website, and journey through her mummy's eyes on here, get ready with a box of Kleenex! Bella's journey will make you laugh and cry, and I am proud to know she calls me Auntie *or rather, she will when she really starts speaking more ;) * Her brother's do and nothing makes me smile more.
I will leave it here for now, and link you to Bella's page :) and a few photos.....first, Thelma and Louise ...aka. Me and Elspeth.
The man cold husbands, Fred and Barney. *they gave themselves nicknames so they could be *cool?? lol. aka, Dave and my husband Ev
Our lives always connected :) no matter how far we are
Our children collectively :) Josh, Bella, my son Ethan, My daughter Emily, and Matthew...I LOVE THESE BABIES!!!
Bella's link to her journey....
So, on to thanksgiving Sunday. Our collective families awoke basically at the same time *btw, when she comes to town, they ALWAYS stay with us* They have a family of 5 with one on the way and we have a family of 4. So it makes for a usually very fun filled happy home when they are here. Our children are very close in ages, our oldest being only 13 days apart. We went through our pregnancies together :) So they decided to go to an early church service at the church they used to attend last when they lived here, and we went to our normal service, which starts a lot later in the morning. So feeling kind of poopy from having a cold myself, I dragged myself to church. I rushed home, knowing I had to start the turkey and veggies. Walked into the house, my BFF was already back from her service , and low and turkey was in the oven, potatoes were cooking, and carrots were done. I felt an overwhelming urge to kiss, not really, but she is amazing!!! I was in disbelief, and couldn't stop thanking her! She was the guest, yet she prepared most of the dinner!!! THAT is a true best friend ;) There is so much more I want to share about my *Louise* . She is a hero in my eyes. having dealt with her 8 month old only daughter, being diagnosed with Neuroblastoma back in March, and going through a very rough storm over the next few months, and finding out she is pregnant again!!! WOW.....she certainly is one courageous, faith strong woman! I am going to link her daughter's website, and journey through her mummy's eyes on here, get ready with a box of Kleenex! Bella's journey will make you laugh and cry, and I am proud to know she calls me Auntie *or rather, she will when she really starts speaking more ;) * Her brother's do and nothing makes me smile more.
I will leave it here for now, and link you to Bella's page :) and a few photos.....first, Thelma and Louise ...aka. Me and Elspeth.
The man cold husbands, Fred and Barney. *they gave themselves nicknames so they could be *cool?? lol. aka, Dave and my husband Ev
Our lives always connected :) no matter how far we are
Our children collectively :) Josh, Bella, my son Ethan, My daughter Emily, and Matthew...I LOVE THESE BABIES!!!
Bella's link to her journey....
Friday, 5 October 2012
my WAHM Business......One in EMIL-Yon
About One in EMIL-Yon
I love creating custom and one of a kind items for babies, children, adults, photo props, and MORE. I like a challenge and will pretty much try to create anything.
Description of some items I have made are unique, one of a kind items from dresses, hats, pillows, blankets and SO much more. I also do custom orders. I get an idea and run with it. I am a stay at home mom with 2 little ones both 5 and under , a boy and a girl. I love creating new and unique items. Most of my things are one of a kind and not reproduced, so when you get is definitely a one in a million. My children are my inspiration.
letting go of Lilly......and saying goodbye to Mary.
Today was a very hard day, the sweetest lady, from next door passed away early this morning, and my daughter who is 3 1/2 was terribly upset, she wanted to see Mary and give her a kiss. That was very hard to explain to her that Mary isn't coming back. But even worse, we had made an appointment to surrender our beautiful adopted lab/retriever mix to the humane society :( That was the breaking point for me and my daughter. My son too it strangely well, but my daughter cried her little heart out and it broke me :(
Here is the story of our poor Lilly dog.... shortly after we got her off kijiji one year ago, she started to itch, the itching turned to scratching and licking, causing sores to herself. We took her to the vet multiple times, and finally came to the conclusion, it's in the air :( She is originally from Kingsville, where she lived all her life until we adopted her. When she got to Windsor, our polluted air seems to make her itch. We have her on allergy pills everyday, but it's not fair to keep her on meds all the time, just to stop the itch :( If she was back in the county/country, I know this issue would clear up. So we are praying that the humane society can find her a home when she is no longer suffering.
We came to love Lilly as a part of our family, but to keep her in the city, drugged up on allergy pills all the time, is just not fair to her. It broke our hearts to say goodbye to her today.
Thankfully my best friend is driving down 4 hours to visit us for Thanksgiving , I so need my Thelma and Louise time with her :) Those are our nicknames for each other :)
I will tell you all about my Louise another time, she is my soul sister. I have so much writing to do, I have 40 years to write down ;) I may be a
Here are a few pics of our beautiful Lilly I will leave you with.
Here is the story of our poor Lilly dog.... shortly after we got her off kijiji one year ago, she started to itch, the itching turned to scratching and licking, causing sores to herself. We took her to the vet multiple times, and finally came to the conclusion, it's in the air :( She is originally from Kingsville, where she lived all her life until we adopted her. When she got to Windsor, our polluted air seems to make her itch. We have her on allergy pills everyday, but it's not fair to keep her on meds all the time, just to stop the itch :( If she was back in the county/country, I know this issue would clear up. So we are praying that the humane society can find her a home when she is no longer suffering.
We came to love Lilly as a part of our family, but to keep her in the city, drugged up on allergy pills all the time, is just not fair to her. It broke our hearts to say goodbye to her today.
Thankfully my best friend is driving down 4 hours to visit us for Thanksgiving , I so need my Thelma and Louise time with her :) Those are our nicknames for each other :)
I will tell you all about my Louise another time, she is my soul sister. I have so much writing to do, I have 40 years to write down ;) I may be a
Here are a few pics of our beautiful Lilly I will leave you with.
dealing with the MAN COLD....
So, for the record, I have a cold, the stuffed up, runny nose, coughing, sneezing, sweating, sore throat kind of cold. My kids age 5 and 3 also have colds. Today, I constantly wiped a booger nose daughter, while my son was at school. *Don't judge, yes I sent him to school with a's a COLD*
My husband texts me from work, *he's dying* . No, not literally, but he has a man-cold. If none of you know, the world has to stop for the man cold and I am on high alert. I love my husband, but he is the biggest baby when he is sick. So he went to bed at 8:30 tonight after eating the homemade chicken noodle soup I made him. I tended to the children and got them into their beds, said their prayers with them, and tucked them in. Now I am on here. Here is something I will leave you with that is extremely funny......see video lol...
This was written by my friend's pastor, here's a chuckle for you..............This week I am only writing a very brief update for you as I am not very well. I have fallen ill to a cold that has been going around our community and I’m afraid it has developed into full blown “man cold.” I don’t know why but as many of you undoubtedly know, this terrible illness strikes innocent, unsuspecting men with particular ferocity. Women don’t seem able to understand that the vicious “man cold” is not anything like the common cold from which they may at times suffer. The “man cold” ravages the male body with similar symptoms but then amplifies them exponentially. My theory is that the Y chromosome has a flaw, as yet undiscovered, that allows this affliction to take hold of its male victim. The defenceless “Y” allows the symptoms of pain and misery to run rampant. This is an area of medical research that has not received the kind of research and funding that it deserves. Imagine what an impact the “man cold” has on Canada’s GDP. Billions in productivity is being lost every year. Thousands of men are misdiagnosed with the much less severe common cold every year. Perhaps it’s time to discard the pink ribbons and wear a green ribbon, or two, one for each nostril, and begin a campaign for “man cold” research.
Treatment requires that the victim be allowed to remain in a horizontal position on a sofa during the day. Stimulation from a TV also seems to assuage some of the symptomology. It is important that the victim of a “man cold” not be forced to think or respond to overly complex questions. Demands for even the smallest responsibilities only hinder recovery. Sympathetic words and frequent refreshments are an absolute necessity. Remember the victims of this terrible disease need understanding. Victims of the “man cold” often sense they are near death. If you want to learn more about the “man cold” you can check out this YouTube video.....
This was written by my friend's pastor, here's a chuckle for you..............This week I am only writing a very brief update for you as I am not very well. I have fallen ill to a cold that has been going around our community and I’m afraid it has developed into full blown “man cold.” I don’t know why but as many of you undoubtedly know, this terrible illness strikes innocent, unsuspecting men with particular ferocity. Women don’t seem able to understand that the vicious “man cold” is not anything like the common cold from which they may at times suffer. The “man cold” ravages the male body with similar symptoms but then amplifies them exponentially. My theory is that the Y chromosome has a flaw, as yet undiscovered, that allows this affliction to take hold of its male victim. The defenceless “Y” allows the symptoms of pain and misery to run rampant. This is an area of medical research that has not received the kind of research and funding that it deserves. Imagine what an impact the “man cold” has on Canada’s GDP. Billions in productivity is being lost every year. Thousands of men are misdiagnosed with the much less severe common cold every year. Perhaps it’s time to discard the pink ribbons and wear a green ribbon, or two, one for each nostril, and begin a campaign for “man cold” research.
Treatment requires that the victim be allowed to remain in a horizontal position on a sofa during the day. Stimulation from a TV also seems to assuage some of the symptomology. It is important that the victim of a “man cold” not be forced to think or respond to overly complex questions. Demands for even the smallest responsibilities only hinder recovery. Sympathetic words and frequent refreshments are an absolute necessity. Remember the victims of this terrible disease need understanding. Victims of the “man cold” often sense they are near death. If you want to learn more about the “man cold” you can check out this YouTube video.....
Thursday, 4 October 2012
mixed up..
I just decided to start a blog, but I wanted to share a lot of my old stuff I had written, poems, deep thought by my son, I copied and pasted them, but they are from up to almost 4 years ago, so please forgive my mixed up blog, I am new to this :) please bare with me.
my Psalm
My Psalm
by Kimmy Anne Gonzalvo on Tuesday, May 26, 2009 at 1:45am ·
I had an exercise to do at Women's group. To take a psalm and put it to music, or write my own psalm.
I was going to put one to music, but God had other plans, I woke up at 1:30 am and HAD to write this just flowed out of me..........
I faltered, You caught me.
I fell, You lifted me.
I gave up, You gave hope.
I let go, You held on.
I screamed, You whispered.
I hated, You Loved.
I hurt, You healed.
I was scared, You soothed.
I cried, You cried too.
I believed, You smiled.
I worshipped, You rejoiced.
I trembled, You sighed.
I loved, You loved back.
I reached out, You reached back.
I called your name, You were there.
I walked, You lead me.
I am yours, You are mine.
I was going to put one to music, but God had other plans, I woke up at 1:30 am and HAD to write this just flowed out of me..........
I faltered, You caught me.
I fell, You lifted me.
I gave up, You gave hope.
I let go, You held on.
I screamed, You whispered.
I hated, You Loved.
I hurt, You healed.
I was scared, You soothed.
I cried, You cried too.
I believed, You smiled.
I worshipped, You rejoiced.
I trembled, You sighed.
I loved, You loved back.
I reached out, You reached back.
I called your name, You were there.
I walked, You lead me.
I am yours, You are mine.

My Father's House
My Lord, My God
Standing firm in your Love.
You said it would be hard.
I hope, I pray, I dream,
to tear down the guard.
The guard around my heart,
I can't seem to shake.
I want to give my life,
fully for you to take.
The path is long and narrow,
temptations are everywhere.
sometimes I want cry out,
LORD! It just isn't fair.
But if I hold on long enough,
and keep my eyes on You,
Your prize is greater than,
the falsehoods and the untrue.
So I lift up my hands,
and I lift up my voice.
And You're MY choice!!
by Kim Gonzalvo November 1 /2009
You said it would be hard.
I hope, I pray, I dream,
to tear down the guard.
The guard around my heart,
I can't seem to shake.
I want to give my life,
fully for you to take.
The path is long and narrow,
temptations are everywhere.
sometimes I want cry out,
LORD! It just isn't fair.
But if I hold on long enough,
and keep my eyes on You,
Your prize is greater than,
the falsehoods and the untrue.
So I lift up my hands,
and I lift up my voice.
And You're MY choice!!
by Kim Gonzalvo November 1 /2009
Today is a live for the one who made you.
keep your dreams alive and forever true.
Your creator is the way, the truth and the light,
let go of the darkness, stop trying so hard to fight.
He will never let go, but we kick and scream and cry.
trying to do our will, instead of letting Him fly.
the anger and the hate, can consume us the dark.
let go and let God, let Him make His mark.
a mark in our hearts, in our lives, in our soul,
let Him be the fire, that consumes you, like a coal.
Let Him dry your tears and heal all the pain,
Let Him make your life, full and not in vain.
My Lord, my God, I say these words you,
to put this in my heart, so I can be forever true.
Kim Gonzalvo May 31 2010
keep your dreams alive and forever true.
Your creator is the way, the truth and the light,
let go of the darkness, stop trying so hard to fight.
He will never let go, but we kick and scream and cry.
trying to do our will, instead of letting Him fly.
the anger and the hate, can consume us the dark.
let go and let God, let Him make His mark.
a mark in our hearts, in our lives, in our soul,
let Him be the fire, that consumes you, like a coal.
Let Him dry your tears and heal all the pain,
Let Him make your life, full and not in vain.
My Lord, my God, I say these words you,
to put this in my heart, so I can be forever true.
Kim Gonzalvo May 31 2010
Deep thoughts by Ethan
Deep thoughts by Ethan at ages 4, 5 and almost 6
1...Mom, when you die, why do they take you to the hospital??.....
Your already gone to heaven, you'll be there forever...
they don't need to take you to the hospital!! ♥
deep thoughts by Ethan age 4
2.Mom, people in hell can't dance or play., when you bonk your head in hell, it hurts forever.
age 3 1/2
4.Mom, I can't eat my food....Jesus lives in me and He's gonna eat it!!!!
5.hey mom, today Jesus is eating spaghetti!
Age 4 again
6.Mom, can we pray that ALL mom's don't stand in front of Jesus??, how can Jesus be God too?? *me*...
well, you know how your transformers are 2 in 1??
God is kinda like that, only 3 in 1..*Ethan*...OK, I get it!
8. *hands one above the other* Mom...Heaven can defeat this....*smacks one hand on top of the other*...see.....???
9. as they are getting into bed...*Emmie, God will be in your bed with you when you sleep* Emmie...*NO!! (scared) lol*, so I said....*No, no, God is watching you while you sleep, protecting you* Ethan ..* Then how can He see me, if he is watching Emmie??* Me..* He can see you too.* Ethan....* God has THAT MANY EYES!!!????* me...* lol, no Hunny, He is just THAT BIG*
10...Ethan, now almost 6 ...some kids are scared of wasps, like scardy cats, I'm not scared of nothing...I GOT GOD!
11. When I grow up I am going to make things that spin, if you try hard mom, you can make ANYTHING spin, see???? as he spins his nuggets, his race cars, his dice, ANYTHING he gets his hands on, he tries to spin it :)

Your already gone to heaven, you'll be there forever...
they don't need to take you to the hospital!! ♥
deep thoughts by Ethan age 4
2.Mom, people in hell can't dance or play., when you bonk your head in hell, it hurts forever.
age 3 1/2
4.Mom, I can't eat my food....Jesus lives in me and He's gonna eat it!!!!
5.hey mom, today Jesus is eating spaghetti!
Age 4 again
6.Mom, can we pray that ALL mom's don't stand in front of Jesus??, how can Jesus be God too?? *me*...
well, you know how your transformers are 2 in 1??
God is kinda like that, only 3 in 1..*Ethan*...OK, I get it!
8. *hands one above the other* Mom...Heaven can defeat this....*smacks one hand on top of the other*...see.....???
9. as they are getting into bed...*Emmie, God will be in your bed with you when you sleep* Emmie...*NO!! (scared) lol*, so I said....*No, no, God is watching you while you sleep, protecting you* Ethan ..* Then how can He see me, if he is watching Emmie??* Me..* He can see you too.* Ethan....* God has THAT MANY EYES!!!????* me...* lol, no Hunny, He is just THAT BIG*
10...Ethan, now almost 6 ...some kids are scared of wasps, like scardy cats, I'm not scared of nothing...I GOT GOD!
11. When I grow up I am going to make things that spin, if you try hard mom, you can make ANYTHING spin, see???? as he spins his nuggets, his race cars, his dice, ANYTHING he gets his hands on, he tries to spin it :)

love how his eyes are smiling too :) just before starting jk

I faltered
You caught me
I fell
You lifted me
I gave up
You gave hope
I let go
You held on
I screamed
You whispered
I hated
You loved
I hurt
You healed
I was scared
You soothed
I cried
You cried too
I believed
You smiled
I worshipped
You rejoiced
I trembled
You sighed
I loved
You loved back
I reached out
You reached back
I called Your name
You were there
I walked
You led me
I am yours
You are mine
Kim Gonzalvo
written back in 2009
short story...a boy and his red bear
What imagination station will they travel to today? A yummy place to tickle their tongues? think, think, think. Here we go!!!!
They travelled to the chocolate forest where ALL the trees were made of chocolate! the little boy and his bear were very excited to see the chocolate trees. He reached up and pulled a leaf and began to munch. YUMMY........He couldn't believe good it tasted. He shared it with his bear. He began to eat more and more leaves off the chocolate trees. All of a sudden, he felt a rumble, his tummy started to feel funny. Bear said, maybe we shouldn't have eaten so much. :( Their tummy's began to hurt. They rested on the chocolate grass, remembering not to eat anymore, even though it would've tasted SO good. When they left, they both decided it was NOT a good idea to eat so many chocolate leaves next time they visited the forest. The End!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
They travelled to the chocolate forest where ALL the trees were made of chocolate! the little boy and his bear were very excited to see the chocolate trees. He reached up and pulled a leaf and began to munch. YUMMY........He couldn't believe good it tasted. He shared it with his bear. He began to eat more and more leaves off the chocolate trees. All of a sudden, he felt a rumble, his tummy started to feel funny. Bear said, maybe we shouldn't have eaten so much. :( Their tummy's began to hurt. They rested on the chocolate grass, remembering not to eat anymore, even though it would've tasted SO good. When they left, they both decided it was NOT a good idea to eat so many chocolate leaves next time they visited the forest. The End!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

When my road seems long and narrow, carry me Lord
When my days are blend together, focus me Lord
When my heart aches and tears flow, Hold me Lord
When my troubles are hard and cold, Soften them Lord
When I feel the weight of the world, Lift me lord
When my voice cries out, hear me Lord
When I forget your love, Show me Lord
When I see your ways, humble me Lord
When my arms are lifted to you, catch me Lord.
When I need you most........There You are Lord.
K. Gonzalvo 04/10/2012
When my days are blend together, focus me Lord
When my heart aches and tears flow, Hold me Lord
When my troubles are hard and cold, Soften them Lord
When I feel the weight of the world, Lift me lord
When my voice cries out, hear me Lord
When I forget your love, Show me Lord
When I see your ways, humble me Lord
When my arms are lifted to you, catch me Lord.
When I need you most........There You are Lord.
K. Gonzalvo 04/10/2012
feeling lost...I need to to feel how important He is to me again..
Today is like any of the rest, nothing new, no *sparks*. I am feeling quite *UN-alive* I know, not a word, but it best describes me heart right now. The passion I used to feel is feeling fizzled. I know I am not separated from Christ, but my heart feels empty. I need back the passion, the *alive* feeling. I feel like I am going through the motions and I hate it. I need to know what to do to get back on track. I know people could give me tons of ways how, but my heart need the spark again, and only I know in my heart, how to get that back. I have to dig, bow down, cry even ....Jesus, I need you....Your sheep feels lost again.....Help me back home.
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