
Thursday, 4 October 2012

my Psalm

My Psalm

by Kimmy Anne Gonzalvo on Tuesday, May 26, 2009 at 1:45am ·
I had an exercise to do at Women's group. To take a psalm and put it to music, or write my own psalm.
I was going to put one to music, but God had other plans, I woke up at 1:30 am and HAD to write this just flowed out of me..........


I faltered, You caught me.
I fell, You lifted me.
I gave up, You gave hope.
I let go, You held on.
I screamed, You whispered.
I hated, You Loved.
I hurt, You healed.
I was scared, You soothed.
I cried, You cried too.
I believed, You smiled.
I worshipped, You rejoiced.
I trembled, You sighed.
I loved, You loved back.
I reached out, You reached back.
I called your name, You were there.
I walked, You lead me.
I am yours, You are mine.
My Father's House

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