
Thursday, 4 October 2012

Deep thoughts by Ethan


Deep thoughts by Ethan at ages 4, 5 and almost 6
1...Mom, when you die, why do they take you to the hospital??.....
Your already gone to heaven, you'll be there forever...
they don't need to take you to the hospital!! ♥
deep thoughts by Ethan age 4
2.Mom, people in hell can't dance or play., when you bonk your head in hell, it hurts forever.
age 3 1/2
4.Mom, I can't eat my food....Jesus lives in me and He's gonna eat it!!!!
5.hey mom, today Jesus is eating spaghetti!
Age 4 again
6.Mom, can we pray that ALL mom's don't stand in front of Jesus??, how can Jesus be God too?? *me*...
well, you know how your transformers are 2 in 1??
God is kinda like that, only 3 in 1..*Ethan*...OK, I get it!
8. *hands one above the other* Mom...Heaven can defeat this....*smacks one hand on top of the other*...see.....???
9. as they are getting into bed...*Emmie, God will be in your bed with you when you sleep* Emmie...*NO!! (scared) lol*, so I said....*No, no, God is watching you while you sleep, protecting you* Ethan ..* Then how can He see me, if he is watching Emmie??* Me..* He can see you too.* Ethan....* God has THAT MANY EYES!!!????* me...* lol, no Hunny, He is just THAT BIG*
10...Ethan, now almost 6 ...some kids are scared of wasps, like scardy cats, I'm not scared of nothing...I GOT GOD!
11. When I grow up I am going to make things that spin, if you try hard mom, you can make ANYTHING spin, see????  as he spins his nuggets, his race cars, his dice, ANYTHING he gets his hands on, he tries to spin it :)

love how his eyes are smiling too :) just before starting jk

Ethan, almost 6

1 comment:

  1. Also ideas, I think I am going to do it, too, but I want to blog like every 10 days so we will see, lol....
