Today was a very hard day, the sweetest lady, from next door passed away early this morning, and my daughter who is 3 1/2 was terribly upset, she wanted to see Mary and give her a kiss. That was very hard to explain to her that Mary isn't coming back. But even worse, we had made an appointment to surrender our beautiful adopted lab/retriever mix to the humane society :( That was the breaking point for me and my daughter. My son too it strangely well, but my daughter cried her little heart out and it broke me :(
Here is the story of our poor Lilly dog.... shortly after we got her off kijiji one year ago, she started to itch, the itching turned to scratching and licking, causing sores to herself. We took her to the vet multiple times, and finally came to the conclusion, it's in the air :( She is originally from Kingsville, where she lived all her life until we adopted her. When she got to Windsor, our polluted air seems to make her itch. We have her on allergy pills everyday, but it's not fair to keep her on meds all the time, just to stop the itch :( If she was back in the county/country, I know this issue would clear up. So we are praying that the humane society can find her a home when she is no longer suffering.
We came to love Lilly as a part of our family, but to keep her in the city, drugged up on allergy pills all the time, is just not fair to her. It broke our hearts to say goodbye to her today.
Thankfully my best friend is driving down 4 hours to visit us for Thanksgiving , I so need my Thelma and Louise time with her :) Those are our nicknames for each other :)
I will tell you all about my Louise another time, she is my soul sister. I have so much writing to do, I have 40 years to write down ;) I may be a
Here are a few pics of our beautiful Lilly I will leave you with.
This is awesome blog, and I am glad u did it. Its hard when u have to give up something. Even when its a loved one. Great job, and Keep ur chin up, as I am told as well. Love ya!! ur Niece!!