
Friday, 5 October 2012

dealing with the MAN COLD....

So, for the record, I have a cold, the stuffed up, runny nose, coughing, sneezing, sweating, sore throat kind of cold. My kids age 5 and 3 also have colds. Today, I constantly wiped a booger nose daughter, while my son was at school. *Don't judge, yes I sent him to school with a's a COLD*
My husband texts me from work, *he's dying* . No, not literally, but he has a man-cold. If none of you know, the world has to stop for the man cold and I am on high alert. I love my husband, but he is the biggest baby when he is sick. So he went to bed at 8:30 tonight after eating the homemade chicken noodle soup I made him. I tended to the children and got them into their beds, said their prayers with them, and tucked them in. Now I am on here. Here is something I will leave you with that is extremely funny......see video lol...
This was written by my friend's pastor, here's a chuckle for you..............This week I am only writing a very brief update for you as I am not very well. I have fallen ill to a cold that has been going around our community and I’m afraid it has developed into full blown “man cold.” I don’t know why but as many of you undoubtedly know, this terrible illness strikes innocent, unsuspecting men with particular ferocity. Women don’t seem able to understand that the vicious “man cold” is not anything like the common cold from which they may at times suffer. The “man cold” ravages the male body with similar symptoms but then amplifies them exponentially. My theory is that the Y chromosome has a flaw, as yet undiscovered, that allows this affliction to take hold of its male victim. The defenceless “Y” allows the symptoms of pain and misery to run rampant. This is an area of medical research that has not received the kind of research and funding that it deserves. Imagine what an impact the “man cold” has on Canada’s GDP. Billions in productivity is being lost every year. Thousands of men are misdiagnosed with the much less severe common cold every year. Perhaps it’s time to discard the pink ribbons and wear a green ribbon, or two, one for each nostril, and begin a campaign for “man cold” research.

Treatment requires that the victim be allowed to remain in a horizontal position on a sofa during the day. Stimulation from a TV also seems to assuage some of the symptomology. It is important that the victim of a “man cold” not be forced to think or respond to overly complex questions. Demands for even the smallest responsibilities only hinder recovery. Sympathetic words and frequent refreshments are an absolute necessity. Remember the victims of this terrible disease need understanding. Victims of the “man cold” often sense they are near death. If you want to learn more about the “man cold” you can check out this YouTube video.....

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