How much do YOU know about Childhood cancers and the research behind it??? Educate yourself!.
Hi there, just finally able to sit down at a computer...I know I wanted to share the info about childhood cancer, and that people need to be more aware. here are some of the stats, and info that many people do NOT know. We need to be the voice for the children!. They are our future, and they need to grow up before they can even think of breast cancer!!
Breast cancer receives the most research funding dollars.
Yet childhood cancer (that's ALL CHILDHOOD CANCERS rolled into one - not one specific childhood cancer) gets less than 3% of funding raised by the cancer society.
There are 12 MAJOR types of childhood cancers.
Leukemias (blood cell cancers) and cancers of the brain and central nervous system account for more than half of the new cases. The most common type of leukemia in children is acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The most common solid tumours are brain tumours (e.g., gliomas and medulloblastomas), with other solid tumours (e.g., neuroblastomas, Wilms tumours, and sarcomas such as rhabdomyosarcoma and osteosarcoma) being less common.
Childhood cancers are MORE AGGRESSIVE than adult cancers and in most cases, treatment with chemo is a higher dosage per kilo gram than adult cancer.
Every 16 hours a child dies from neuroblastoma.
7 children die each DAY from childhood cancer.
Every day, 46 KIDS are diagnosed with cancer.
7 children die each DAY from childhood cancer.
Every day, 46 KIDS are diagnosed with cancer.
Pediatric cancer kills more kids than cystic fibrosis, pediatric AIDS & asthma COMBINED.
1 in 330 children will develop cancer by age 20.
Treatment side effects can last a lifetime for these kids.
Children treated for one cancer, often develop another cancer later in life as a side effect from the original treatment.
Children do not receive routine cancer screening like adults do. As a result, children are often misdiagnosed or go without treatment for months or years before their cancer is finally discovered. By this time, it has usually metastasised and spread to other organs.
Childhood cancer is cancer in it's purest form. If we cure it, we can potentially eliminate adult cancer.
Childhood cancer research has a HUGE impact on adult cancers.
Adult cancer research no longer has any impact on childhood cancers.
It was a researcher working on the childhood cancer neuroblastoma, who first discovered the stem cell for neuroblastoma. Using this researchers methods, doctors are now searching for the breast cancer stem cell. Stem Cells relating to cancer were previously considered to be non-existent.
Even if you just compare adult cancers, lung cancer & colorectal cancer kill more adults than breast cancer.
The Canadian Cancer Society gives only 3% of it's donations/funding to childhood cancer research.
Although Terry Fox died of a pediatric cancer, and stated that he was running for the people who were in the hospital with him (other children), the foundation does not usually donate to childhood cancer, choosing adult cancer instead.
Unless funds donated to the Canadian Cancer society are labelled for a specific cause, the society can use the funds however it wants. Whether that be supporting victims, more fund raising, advocating against cancer through brochures or administrative costs. Relay for life proceeds go to no specific cancer or even necessarily to cancer research at all.
Run for the Cure proceeds go to breast cancer.
Run for the Cure proceeds go to breast cancer.
The Canadian Cancer Society is only held accountable for dollars donated to them that require a tax receipt. All those pins bought by donation etc, go straight to administration costs, which is why the CEO of the Canadian Cancer Society makes in the 6 digits as a yearly salary. The same goes for the Terry Fox Foundation and the Breast Cancer Society.
The James Fund for Neuroblastoma Research owns and operates the James Birrell labs for childhood cancer research in Toronto Sick kids. It is run by Dr. David Kaplan - chief of childhood cancer research. Every dollar donated to them, goes directly to childhood cancer research. Dr. Kaplan is the doctor who discovered the stem cell for neuroblastoma (Central Nervous System cancer).
If you choose to help childhood cancer research, PLEASE ensure your efforts are ACTUALLY going to childhood cancer research, not into the pockets of administrative executives or into printing glossy brochures about not using tanning beds.
I got this info from my best friend, who is advocating for her baby girl who was diagnosed with neuroblastoma at age 8 months old. She is 14 months old now and is in remission.
We need more research and awareness done for the children.....why some may ask...*My child doesn't have cancer....* Her child never HAD cancer either......You never know when it could be your niece, nephew, daughter, son, grandchild.....ect....
Thanks again..
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