Well, we got through the man cold, and I had my amazing best friend/soul sister come down from up north, 4 hour drive to spend thanksgiving with us. Got to spend our Thelma and Louise time alone together, while the man cold daddy's took care of the kids. WOW eh? I know! So we went to see the movie pitch perfect, it was really funny, and being with Elspeth * my Louise* while she is 6ish months pregnant, is hilarious . She randomly burst out laughing at a very disturbing comment made in the movie...I LOVE HER < she makes me laugh always. I could never ask for a better friend or confident. I never had a younger sister, but if I did , I would want it to be her. Although, I don't find myself feeling older than her when we are together. She always makes me feel like her equal. She is so funny, understanding, laughs at my insanity and can relate most times. THAT is what makes her the best.
So, on to thanksgiving Sunday. Our collective families awoke basically at the same time *btw, when she comes to town, they ALWAYS stay with us* They have a family of 5 with one on the way and we have a family of 4. So it makes for a usually very fun filled happy home when they are here. Our children are very close in ages, our oldest being only 13 days apart. We went through our pregnancies together :) So they decided to go to an early church service at the church they used to attend last when they lived here, and we went to our normal service, which starts a lot later in the morning. So feeling kind of poopy from having a cold myself, I dragged myself to church. I rushed home, knowing I had to start the turkey and veggies. Walked into the house, my BFF was already back from her service , and low and behold........my turkey was in the oven, potatoes were cooking, and carrots were done. I felt an overwhelming urge to kiss her...lol, not really, but she is amazing!!! I was in disbelief, and couldn't stop thanking her! She was the guest, yet she prepared most of the dinner!!! THAT is a true best friend ;) There is so much more I want to share about my *Louise* . She is a hero in my eyes. having dealt with her 8 month old only daughter, being diagnosed with Neuroblastoma back in March, and going through a very rough storm over the next few months, and finding out she is pregnant again!!! WOW.....she certainly is one courageous, faith strong woman! I am going to link her daughter's website, and journey through her mummy's eyes on here, get ready with a box of Kleenex! Bella's journey will make you laugh and cry, and I am proud to know she calls me Auntie *or rather, she will when she really starts speaking more ;) * Her brother's do and nothing makes me smile more.
I will leave it here for now, and link you to Bella's page :) and a few photos.....first, Thelma and Louise ...aka. Me and Elspeth.
The man cold husbands, Fred and Barney. *they gave themselves nicknames so they could be *cool?? lol. aka, Dave and my husband Ev
Our lives always connected :) no matter how far we are
Our children collectively :) Josh, Bella, my son Ethan, My daughter Emily, and Matthew...I LOVE THESE BABIES!!!
Bella's link to her journey.... www.bellanoura.com
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